Monday, August 20, 2012

Finally a Departure date!

Hello everybody! Caleb here again.
I guess this is my second post in my foreign exchange blog, and since the first, I've had some new developments. I just got back from a nice relaxing trip to McCall, and during that time, I received an Email from It's Your World Travel that I will be definitively leaving the States on September the 5th. As far as I know I am the last RYE student to depart from my district. Some of my friends have already left. And some have arrived. Ludovica, the Italian daughter of my host family has already arrived in Pocatello and spent some time there. From what I can tell, everyone is happy and excited. I personally don't know what to think. I'm nervous and about to explode with varied emotions, but as my departure date draws nearer, I think that I'll be okay in the end. My Italian is still quite rough, but I've had a recent experience with Spanish and that's given me some confidence. My aunt Alecia is in the process of moving from Spain to Brasil with her Brazilian boyfriend Gubio. I spent the weekend in McCall with them and had to speak only Spanish with Gubio, and did okay. I hope that I'll do as well with Italian when I get there. Alicia is a world traveler herself and left me with some quality advice on what to expect in a new culture. One of her biggest recommendations was to chose a football (i.e. soccer: remember we talk funny in America) team before I get there as a way to integrate myself into the culture. So I am now a proud fan of the A.S. Roma team. Woohoo!!
I'm just now getting into the intense part of the preparations for leaving and in the next two weeks, I'll be trying to squeeze in as much as I can.

So that's it for now. Remember I'm open to questions, comments, or large amounts of chocolate :D


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